Project Description

Memento III, 2011:
Art EZ Academy of Art and Design Enschede: Confirmed 
Wimbledon College of Art: Confirmed
UWE Bristol: Confirmed
EASD in Valencia: Confirmed
Crawford College of Art and Design in Cork: Confirmed

Sint-Lukas, Brussels, Belgium: Confirmed
HBK, Braunschweig, Germany: Confirmed

Munster: To be confirmed


The Memento Project is an international educational exhibition; this is its third year running. It was first started, and still organised from AKI, ArtEZ in Enschede: Rudi Bastiaans (silkscreen dept.), Erik Kok (ceramics dept.), Willem Boom (silkscreen and plastic dept.) and Marcel Vos (photography dept.)

The theme of the project focuses on Memory and Recollection (Memento). The intention is that multiple exhibitions will be held simultaneously in all participating countries at a site chosen by each participating college.

Degree and Masters students will work under the theme of 'memento' within any discipline or medium of Art, supported by their own tutors and college. The students must produce (approx.) 10 multiples of their work, which are small and light enough to post. 

For Institutes that are involved in Memento III see University Links at the bottom of the blog page. 


If you are interested in being involved with this project please sign up (next meeting is THURSDAY 20th of January, 1.30pm old reception area) and notify your pathway leader so that they are aware of what you are intending to do. If there are any issues contact me at

Then begin your own work:

Memories are our own personal life stories, we all have them and they make us individuals. Working on the project, students should delve deep into their minds to pin point a memory that they have that they wish to work with.

This can be as simple as a childhood memory of playing in the garden. Or perhaps the more traumatic experience of being caught in an earthquake (as was experienced by a number of students from Memento I who came from the town of L'Aquila).

It’s easy to lapse into clichĂ©s and often hard to capture an emotion or moment in time. However, it is best for students to search for specific details that they are able to work with. Examples of linking memories to own work see Memento II (Sarah Catherine Gifford’s work)

It is essential that all students are aware that they MUST produce multiples of their work (approx: 10) for exhibiting in the other countries. These multiples should be a good reflection of their work if not part of their work. For example, a painter may choose to produce 10 small paintings (similar but not the same painting obviously) under the same memory. Or a painter may choose to produce 1 painting with 9 'representations' of that painting. It is wise for students to bare the multiples in mind throughout their project whilst not letting them interfere with their creativity.